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Parent voice

What do parents tell us about their experience of the school?

"My children love playing 'school' when they're together at home. They even recreate Christian Meditation and it's fantastic because they'll suddenly be silent for a few minutes!"


"I wanted to say how impressed I have been with the Zoom lessons you have set up. From what I can see, it is working exceptionally well. All the hard work in getting pupils and parents used to Google Classroom, and in getting devices to families who need them, has paid off. The active learning of pupils is really front and centre of your approach, and it is great to see all pupils joining the Zoom sessions. I also really liked the virtual assembly with its emphasis on well-being and emotions."  


"Thank you for all the hard work you are putting in creating new ways of keeping our children engaged and helping to ensure that they can continue learning during this time. I know how much time and effort it takes to overhaul all your systems, to learn new strategies and ways of working."


"We would like to thank you and all your staff at St Mary’s for the exceptional work that you have done during the latest lockdown and the resulting zoom-schooling.


Having spoken to parents whose children attend different schools, we realized how fortunate we were that you could offer all these live teaching sessions every single day. That has been the exception and we appreciate how important it has been for all the children and their learning to stay actively engaged with their teachers,  as well as for us parents who had to continue work from home."


"We would like to thank you for your outstanding teaching and connection with the children."


"I wanted to say thank you for the food parcels it really does help."