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Pupil voice

What our pupils tell us about their experience of school

What helps you to learn well?
  • Our teacher is good at explaining things – Year 5 child
  • When other children share ideas I can learn from – Year 5 child
  • When my teacher shows us what to do and gives us an example – Year 5 child
  • If I don’t understand something, I can ask for help – Year 3 child
  • My teacher reads my work and tells me what to do to make it better – Year 1 child
  • When you see the teacher do it first – Year 6 child
  • The steps to success mean I know what to put in my writing 0 Year 4 child
  • I am learning harder things – Year 2 child
What do you most like about St Mary’s?
  • Prayer leaves in assembly because it’s good to hear other children’s prayers – Year 5 child
  • When we pray together – Year 5 child
  • Christian Meditation makes me feel so calm – Year 5 child
  • Christian Meditation – it drains away my worries – Year 2 child
  • The time that I can speak to God – I can tell him anything I am worried about it – Year 3 child
  • That I can talk to God every day – Year 1 child
  • That we have an inspiring motto – “Go shine in the world and live as Jesus live with compassion, honesty and integrity” – Year 6 child
  • Our Christian values – Year 6 child
  • Everything! I like everything we do – Year 2 child
  • I like learning new things – Year 4 child
  • Doing lots of work – Year 3 child
  • Showing the teachers what I can do – Year 6 child
  • We feel safe at school – Year 6 child
  • If you don’t know what to do, you get the help you need – Year 2 child